How can you use Wali's Membership Feature?

(Basic Feature)

Reach More

Know Your Customer

Keep track of your customer’s information like Email, Phone Number, Birthdays, and more that are relevant to your business.

Return Customer

Improve Your Customer Service

Use your collected information to allow your customer service rep to get to know your customers better.

Understand Customer

Understand Your Data

Use your data to form better marketing decisions like promotions that fits your demographic’s wants.

Why a Digitized Membership (Advance Feature) is Helpful:

With Wali’s advance features, you gain access to your customer’s analysis dashboard at the touch of a button. You’ll gain insight on your customer’s visitation rate, helpful Artificial intelligence recommendation based on real time live data. Answering your question while at the same time making helpful prediction for your action. Access it all through our integrated Dashboard.

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